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PLURIf you have pix and reviews of past NWR Parties, please send it along so that we can add your piece of history.
... oh, ok - just a bit about the NWR party series.re posted from the list...AND NOW ! <Queen lives on...t.> Hi all! I thought this might be an opportune time to share some PLUR-party history. Many people are new to the list since a year ago, so you may be interested in some background. The attached article gives an overview of the event itself...I have no doubt that PLUR-Seattle 1998 will be an opportunity for those who missed the first one to share the same kind of experience. More than just any "party", nw-raves-listee parties seem to have become a venue for generating a family feeling and forging some very satisfying personal and professional relationships.
How did it start?In fall of 1996 kim began a thread which suggested we try to throw a "nw-raves" party. The topic had come up before over the years, with various levels of enthusiasm, but hadn't fully panned out before (to my knowledge). There was a little waffling about getting the ball rolling until Ben volunteered to get things in motion. I got some helpers and decoration contributions in gear, but he handled most of it (with the help of many many other genereous nw-ravers and others!) The name was chosen by a democratic vote. I polled nw-ravers for about 4 weeks, gathered about 75 possible names, until just near the end of the voting, Nicole K (sea) said "What about 'PLUR'?"...and suddenly everyone suddenly changed their vote to make "PLUR" the all-out winner. The following article appeared in XLR8R magazine...this was written after a period of negativity in the Northwest -- Vancouver had had a sudden succession of shut-down events (police had started to become unusually gestapo here), Seattle had been in a glut of NAF events, crystal meth abuse was at an all-time "high", almost every New Year's party on the West Coast had been shut down, and the blatant abuse by the LAPD and herbal drug hysteria at LA's New Year's party Seventh Heaven had sent a shockwave through the scene. In retrospect, the magazine's theme-of-the-month "Darkness" seems now reflection of the general attitude at the time. Props out to everyone to maintained a positive attitude during this period...it was much needed by all! PLUR came at a time of need like a glittering rescue boat.
Well... *wistful sigh*, here's the story:
The Little Party That Could
Raise you hands, all who have become jaded about your local scene. Some of us have had one too many disappointments and have been riding an accelerating spiral downward, giving up hope. Could it really be the beginning of the end, we ask ourselves, as we see the rave scene lose itself to greed, drug abuse, and superficiality. And so, discouraged, we consider packing up our blow-pops and groov-shooz, bracing ourselves for the end of an era. Now imagine a gathering that could pull you out of that cynical quicksand...picture a warm, Utopian gathering of smiling people. Everything around you has been donated or hand-made with love. People you have never met seek you out because they are dying to meet you. You are surrounded by happy groovelings who want nothing more than to celebrate being alive with you. There is not a trace of tension, and the toonz are phat! "PLUR" (and acronym for Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect) was just such a gathering. Along with Ben Sunshine of Seattle I am proud to have played a part in making it happen. PLUR's function was primarily to be a meeting place for the 200+ members and guests of the "nw-raves" internet mailing list (one of many on the Hyperreal server), but before the doors even opened it was obvious it was destined to become much more. We've all heard enough mushy declarations of love from overenthusiastic partygoers who experience that special feeling for the first time, but PLUR turned even the most hardened oldskoolers into giddy, sentimental puppies. The experience immediately sparked a discussion about renewed hope for the local scene, a welcome change from the recent string of glum topics our listmembers had become entwined in. Our friend Quentin (a self-proclaimed "grumpy old raver") was one of twelve local dj's who donated his time to spin at PLUR. "When you see something that you truly love become corrupted," says Quentin, "it has a tendency to cultivate negative felelings. PLUR was everything a rave should be and being a part of the resurrection of our hopes and dreams has been profoundly moving." Specially meaningful to me was witnessing the awakening of those new to the scene who hadn't previously realized the effect that these little rituals can have. "It was my 5th rave total and by far the best yet," explains Chris, one of our newer initiates. "I never knew what people were talking about when they referred to the 'vibe' of an event, but PLUR opened my eyes in that respect." At one point, three kids embraced in the middle of the dancefloor. Immediately 30 or more joined them, forming a massive smiling organism, pulsing to the music. When it finally disengaged, there were more than a few weepy eyes in the place. PLUR was a success due to what I call "maximum groover participation". Decorations, equipment, and money for operating costs were generously donated by all who attended, making everyone feel like they were an integral part of the event. Though PLUR was by no means technically perfect, it did achieve something that cannot be planned for: true Unity. Though we came from five different states and provinces and two countries, we left unified, secure with the knowledge that our scene will survive. |