Once tapped into the ultimate and formless life-potential, that exists within each of us, anything one imagines, creates itself instantaneously by thought. That's why it works that when through certain sounds and/or subliminal messages memories are retrieved, one (re)lives certain experiences and/or (re)learns from them. Generally it is good to live through as many incarnations as possible during a night of dance, before arriving at sunrise, hopefully unified. Once purified, you can join in the dance of the celestial beings within the kingdom of the ultimate and enjoy the freedom of existing anywhere, anytime simultaneously. You can enter the universal mind-lattice once your body/mind is completely relaxed, transparent. It happens the moment pure energy moves through you. It moves you!
Through the vibrating sound movements in the music with the golden light that opens the door to the galactic insight, you can travel far across and throughout space. Boundaries of time dissolve and unfolding entities present themselves as an opening to the interface, to carry you in between dimensions, free of personal intentions.
Stretch the cosmic syllable A-O-U-M into any possible way (it is endless) and you've got GOA-GAIA-universal sound. Some tracks are like an audio translation of the Kabala, numerological, mystical scriptures. If you travel on the monotonous, entrancing beats that are so similar in nature to the pulse of your heart, you might find yourself breathless at times and speechless with smiles.
Mystical experiences+Religious influences are:
Taoism (Tai Chi), Sufi, Hinduism (Yoga), Buddhism (Meditation), Cabalism (the
tree of life), Shamanism (navigating consciousness), Mysticism of all religions
and tribes of aboriginal people that are one people, influence the culture.
Mayan, Egyptians, Pixies, Pagans, Gypsies, Witchcraft, Voodoo, Africa and
Nature-magic all play their part in the play/pray-fullness that enhances our
senses during the trance dances. Shiva/Kali and Tantra are major to Goa trance.
But anyway, all religions once sprang from the same source. The mystical
experience gives personal understanding and unclouded insight into the real
nature and meaning of life and death. To follow a movement on the external world
will only lead you away from your intuitive heart (the channel to god and
light-being(being light)-realization) that can be felt when tuned into the
Today parties grow like mushrooms out of cow paddies, all around the planet. To dance will help everybody in the transitional process of letting the old conservative things fall to make space for "flowers to grow through concrete"!
About the ritual: The "elite" Goa connections are mostly universal and planetary life-travelers who have met through magical circumstances to unify and gather their strength on this mission to manifest the perfected vision. We ask for guidance and supervision from the eternal light beings that we invoke in our meditations. Their appearance clears away the fog of the superficial Ego-selves that cloud the clear perception. We weave a circle of light around us. This way we strengthen our global family and initiate new people into the pure realm of unconditional love. Through the understanding of the collective, we can learn how to share ideas and how to communicate them with one another. We try our best to respect our differences with the vision of our common origin and destination always in mind. We all are mirrors of each other. And through reflection we learn how to grow and change together with and in the present towards the light and love that fuels our soul:
During rituals consciousness unfolds and expands itself slowly from the individual to a group awareness. The mandala comes globally together when we understand and accept all life forms to be part of our true selves. It aligns us with the planetary grid. Then, from the dot of the earth in the perspective from outer space, we embark into the astral realm where we finally surf throughout time and space. Ultimately we abide in the beyond, existing in a humming silence, observing the wisdom of the "All" that is inscribed on a dream reality-DNA. When we finally arrive back home, the inner peace and contentment we so deeply desired settles our restlessness.
Then, when we are dispersed like ashes that is left after a holy fire, the message spreads throughout space through our voices, that are God's chants, that all life was created to express the freedom of unlimited choices, to share our vision and ourselves, to coexist in peace anytime, anywhere and nowhere (= now-here) at the same time, no time.
Goa parties have the potential to break down the limitations that only exist within our own minds. They open the door to a limitless imagination to which we have been blind before we knew what we could have not known, before we saw the awe.
Through the shamanic journey one re-connects to the root of all reality's spring. In India everything is understood as being whole, holy, part of the divine creation that embraces everything, and everybody is embraced by it.
We invite anybody to join their hands into the circle, to express their innermost intimate selves, which is, when liberated, without limitations or boundaries, absolutely free of judgment, comparison, division or to make it simple, free of thought.