


Date: Fri, 17 Sep 93 22:56:38 -0500
From: vile@il.us.swissbank.com (Kurt Vile)
To: sfraves@soda.berkeley.edu
Subject: Our Community
Cc: ne-raves@gnu.ai.mit.edu, mw-raves@engin.umich.edu

Where are our intentions going?  what are we evolving into and why; and who as 
members of these list asserting ourselves as.  

What happens to families as time moves on and as the framilarity of each other
and the common ground between the becomes defunct?  How is it that they stay
togther and not disentigrate with the passage of time.

The topic of rave, techno, house, etc....are inherantly limited - 
and by limiting ourselves to these topics we are limiting the true potenitonal
of our community.

We are a community - by joining these lists your are a part of what goes on 
between us - we all have our peeves and hangups - likes and dislikes of the
members of the lists but we have joined in a common ground.

As a community we have the ability to learn, experince, and devlop ourselves as
human beings.  As a community we should not limit ourselves to discussions of
one topic - when their is literally a whole world of information and stuff
out there that thouches each and every one of our lives - and the needs to
be disscussed, explored, expanded upon, learn.

Rave is not only the party. For those of you who belive that rave is only for
8 hours a week on saturday night, you are missing the most beautiful point 

of rave.  Rave is a philosophy, it takes the feeling of unity we experince
in a vibe filled room - and shows us what the world could become - it 
becomes a part of our daily lives and (at least for me) has changed EVERY
aspect of how I live, act, and treat others.

It is nessecary to examine the everyday world within the context of the 
philosophy that we are forming - without that - rave dies - it is no longer
something special - it is something to do, much like doing laundry.

We here are the cutting edge - we have the potentioal to develop a new style
of living - a new relationship with the world that can, and if done
will utlimatley lead to the changing of social structure within the world.

To achive these ends we mustn't limit ourselves - we mustn't stifle
the potentoal we have - but rather examine and devlop
our methods of thinking to better them, and better the world.  Examine,
and then act - working towards a vibe filled world cannot hurt - even if
this community only touches one living soul into betterment then we have 

this is us, this is now - here is the world - see it change - devlop + 
envelop it into you belive is correct.


P.S. Did you ever think you would see Rabin and Arrifat shake hands?  I wept
when I saw that - a beautiful moment - we have the ability to make more of
these moments happen; we just have to try and move slowly - developing our
philosophy and allowing it to touch those who surround us.

