Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 04:51:42 -0600 (CST)
From: Matt mot Massive
To: mw-raves@hyperreal.com
Subject: For Public Discussion.
Hello out to all in Mw-Raves land.
I am asking for your assistance and discussion. The next issue of
Massive is the 'Paranoia' issue, and rightly so, because, if you haven't
noticed it yet, we are seemingly falling into a state of seige
nation-wide- an organized effort against what we do. I am writing an
article based on the following outline and would like to see some
discussion on this subject so that i may add, subtract, or examine points
on this issue. i would like to thank everyone for all of the inspiration
that this list has provided in the past, and in advance to anyone and
everyone who can help me steer this article into a powerful statement/
wake-up call that i think we all need to take heed of....
matt massive
1. Introduction
A. Background
B. Reasons for article
1. The media's newfound interest in Rave
2. What seems to be worldwide crackdown on Rave parties
a. England
- Criminal Justice Act (explanation)
b. Nationally
c. Locally
-Fuk tour
-Milwaukee/ Chicago etc
2. The Problem
A. How Raves are represented...
1. To Society
a. Negative views on youth movements
-The dawn of Rock and Roll/ The 50's
-Hippies/ The 60's
Point: Society is introduced to us by two forms:
1. Our interaction with the 'rest' of the
world, and how they view us
2. Through the Media
2. To the Media
Point: 1. The media sensationalizes anything it
finds 'new'
a. We FEAR that which we don't
- our concept of 'dancing all night'
- our 'new' music
...and it's black/ gay roots
- our fashions
- the 'underground' thing
2. The media is notorious for assuming
things, and then reporting it all as
a. We hardly ever dispute the
obvoius lies publicly
A2. WHY they get the impression they do...
1. Much of it is true...
2. Ignorance
3. Intolerance
4. Our own Idiocy
a. Bad/ Money hungry promoters
- supplying inadequate space for large amounts
of people
- using spaces that are sure to get notice by
...sound complaints
...traffic volume/ buildup
b. Lack of respect
- destroying property/ spaces
...graffiti dorks
...cigarette burns on rugs
1. Outdated
Point: Many laws are based on different beliefs/
customs from different times
- Superstitions
- Religion (Christian, heavily)
- Alcohol
2. Non-Applicable
Point: What we do is 'new', and old laws don't learn
new tricks
3. Strictness
A. Occupantcy laws
B. Fire codes
C. Tax laws
Point: The DIY concept of raves, as well as it's
organization by 'non-professionals' makes
legitamacy almost impossible
B2. Most cops are assholes
Examination: Here we examine some news articles to prove some points.
3. A Solution?
A. Getting over OUR problems/ differences
1. Drug Use
a. Elimination?
Point: We should all remember what brought us here
in the first place
b. Comprimise/ Acceptance
Point: We can't ignore the fact that these parties
DO cater very well to Hallucinogenic-drug users
- the music!
- the lights!
- the vibe!
2. The Techno/ Rave argument
(Are you/ we here for the party, or the music?)
(Can one survive without the other?)
3. The 'Underground' argument
(with legitimizing/ legalizing, would we be insuring
our demise?)
B. Educating the public
Making Point: Drug Use is everywhere, folks
- Some Legal drugs are more
detrimental than most of the rave
'choice' drugs
C. Defending our Rights/ Being assertive
1. Knowing our rights
2. Taking legal action
D. Defining Ourselves (if possible)
(Are we a movement, a genre, a lifestyle, a phase.....??)
any slants, discussions, suggestions, whatever, would be greatly appreciated.
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414.777.EXTC - "Remember, The Underground is MASSIVE!" - 414.777.EXTC
=-= Matt Bonde -=- Internet: MASSIVE@CSD.UWM.EDU =-=
=-= MoT - Massive Magazine -=- Voice Mail: 414.777.EXTC =-=